Bylaws of the Japanese Society of Dysphagia Rehabilitation
(General provisions)
Article 1 These Bylaws establish the membership system, business and other matters of the Japanese Society of Dysphagia Rehabilitation in accordance with the Articles of Incorporation of the Society (hereinafter "Articles of Incorporation").
Article 2 The purpose of the Society is to carry out activities to resolve issues associated with the rehabilitation of people with swallowing disorders from an interdisciplinary perspective.
Article 3 Persons other than the members stipulated in each item of Article 7 of the Articles of Incorporation shall be entitled to participate in the business programs conducted by the Society in accordance with the Bylaws.
(Types of membership)
Article 4 In accordance with Article 7 of the Articles of Incorporation and Article 3 of the Bylaws, the categories of members of the Society are as follows:
(1) Regular members
(2) General members
(3) Honorary members
(4) Supporting members
(5) Subscription members
(6) Temporary members
(Qualification requirements)
Article 5 The qualification requirements for membership are as follows:
(1) Regular members shall be as specified in Article 7, Item 1 of the Articles of Incorporation.
(2) General members shall be physicians, dentists, nurses, assistant nurses, physical therapists, occupational therapists, speech-language-hearing therapists, dental hygienists, dieticians, and other health and medical welfare professionals who agree with the objectives of the Society.
(3) Honorary members shall be as specified in Article 7, Item 2, of the Articles of Incorporation.
(4) Supporting members shall be as specified in Article 7, Item 3, of the Articles of Incorporation.
(5) Subscription members shall be institutions that aim to make information widely available to the public, such as libraries and medical-related facilities.
(6) Temporary members shall be persons who are not members but who make payment of the prescribed membership fee in order to make a presentation at the annual academic meeting as a co-presenter.
2 If members fall under any of the Items 1 to 6 of Article 11 of the Articles of Incorporation, they shall be disqualified from membership after discussion by the executive board members. The chairperson shall notify the relevant members to that effect. However, with regard to Item 3, "falls behind on the membership fee for more than two years" shall be read as "falls behind on the membership fee for five years" as applied to the disqualification for membership.
3 Members shall be disqualified from membership when a general meeting of delegates resolves to expel them in accordance with Article 12 of the Articles of Incorporation. The chairperson shall notify the relevant members to that effect.
(Membership fees)
Article 6 Membership fees are as follows. However, honorary members are not required to pay a membership fee.
(1) Regular members and general members: 5,000 yen per year
(2) Supporting members: One unit of 30,000 yen per year
(3) Subscription members: 5,000 yen per year
(4) Temporary members: 1,000 yen for each temporary member shall be paid in a lump sum by a presenting author.
Article 7 The appointment of officers of the Society shall be as follows:
(1) The chairperson, executive board members and auditors shall be appointed as provided for in Articles 25 and 26 of the Articles of Incorporation.
(2) Delegates shall be referred to as “regular members” as defined in Article 7, Item 1, of the Article of Incorporation. They are appointed by the executive board members from among general members on the recommendation of the executive board members and approved by a general meeting of delegates. The term of office shall be two years, and reappointment is permissible.
(3) The quorum of delegates shall be determined by a general meeting of delegates.
(Admission procedure)
Article 8 Those who wish to join as a general member shall fill in the necessary information in the prescribed form and submit it to the Secretariat.
(Acquisition of general membership)
Article 9 Those who have gone through the admission procedure shall be registered as general members after payment of the annual membership fee is confirmed.
The date of admission shall be the date of registration.
(Rights and obligations)
Article 10 The rights and obligations of the members are set forth in the following paragraphs and, in principle, shall apply on the date of admission.
2 The rights and obligations of regular members and general members shall be as follows:
(1) They are entitled to receive the official journal published by the Society (after the date of admission). However, this right shall be suspended if the membership fee is delinquent for two years.
(2) They are entitled to participate in general meetings of members, annual academic meetings, and other activities conducted by the Society.
(3) They are entitled to submit articles to the official journal and submit abstracts to annual academic meetings.
(4) They are obliged to pay the membership fee as specified in Article 6.
(5) They are obliged to comply with the resolutions of the annual meeting.
(6) If there is any change to the address, name, or mailing address for the official journal, they are obliged to report it immediately.
(7) In addition, they shall exercise other rights and assume other obligations as stipulated in the Articles of Incorporation, rules and regulations of the Society.
3 Supporting members shall be subject to the provisions of the preceding paragraph.
4 Honorary members shall be subject to the provisions of Paragraph 2, Items 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 and 7.
5 Subscription members shall be subject to the provisions of Paragraph 2, Items 1 and 4.
6 Temporary members shall be subject to the provisions of Paragraph 2, Item 2.
Article 11 Those who intend to withdraw from the Society shall submit a notice of withdrawal to the Secretariat of the Society.
2 The date of withdrawal of members shall be the date of notification.
3 Any membership fee already paid shall not be returned.
Article 12 In the event that someone who has lost her/his membership status wishes to re-enroll in the Society, said person shall be required to go through the admission procedures for new membership.
Article 13 Notice of admission of general members shall be given to the members themselves.
(Journal of the Society)
Article 14 The Society shall issue the Japanese Journal of Dysphagia Rehabilitation (JJDR) three times a year in accordance with Article 5, Item 3, of the Articles of Incorporation.
2 The English language journal "Dysphagia" is the Official English Language Journal.
(Annual academic meetings)
Article 15 The Society shall hold annual academic meetings in accordance with Chapter 8 of the Articles of Incorporation.
2 Regular members, general members and honorary members are entitled to participate in annual academic meetings.
3 Persons other than those referred to in the preceding paragraph may participate in annual academic meetings as special attendees only during the meeting period, provided that they pay the participation fee specified by the annual academic meeting. However, the abstracts of the annual academic meetings shall be distributed separately for a fee.
4 The conference participation fee shall be determined by the conference chair.
5 Abstracts presented at the annual academic meetings shall be published in the official journal of the Japanese Society of Dysphagia Rehabilitation.
(Supplemental rules)
Article 16 Matters that are not provided for in the Bylaws and require supplementary notes, in practice, shall be specified by the meeting of executive board members on a case-by-case basis.
Supplementary provisions
1. The Bylaws shall come into effect on and from August 1, 2009.
2. The annual academic meetings of the Society shall be numbered sequentially with the number of times that the workshops have been held.
3. Annual membership fees deposited into the account of the voluntary association after January 1, 2009, shall be the revenue of membership fees for the first year of the association.
Supplementary provisions
The Bylaws shall come into effect on and from August 1, 2019.