Articles of Incorporation of the Japanese Society of Dysphagia Rehabilitation
Section 1 General Provisions
Article 1 The Society is named the Japanese Society of Dysphagia Rehabilitation.
2 The abbreviated name of the Society is JSDR.
(Location of principal office)
Article 2 The principal office of the Society is located in Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture.
(Method of giving a public notice)
Article 3 The Society shall make public notifications by publishing them in the official gazette.
Section 2 Objective and Business
Article 4 The aim of the Society is to encourage research, education, clinical practice, enlightenment and promotion of dysphagia rehabilitation; and to contribute to the prevention of functional decline in swallowing the functional recovery of people with dysphagia, and the maintenance and improvement of the health of the general public, and consequently contribute to the enhancement of the health and welfare of the public. To that purpose, the Society shall conduct the business described below.
2 The Society aims to improve the abilities of members who are involved in the dysphagia rehabilitation; deepen exchanges among the members, domestic and overseas related organizations and the general public; and enlighten and promote dysphagia rehabilitation.
Article 5 The Society will carry out the following business to achieve the objectives of the preceding Article.
(1) Business related to the holding of annual academic meetings.
(2) Organizing lectures and seminars for members and the general public.
(3) Publication of the Society's official journal.
(4) Qualification programs for credentials related to dysphagia rehabilitation.
(5) Education and training programs for researchers and medical, health, and welfare professionals related to dysphagia rehabilitation.
(6) Research and joint research with other disciplines on dysphagia rehabilitation.
(7) Collaboration and exchange with domestic and overseas organizations related to dysphagia rehabilitation.
(8) Dissemination of medical, health, and welfare information on dysphagia rehabilitation, and enlightenment programs.
(9) Business related to the business listed in the preceding items.
Article 6 The Society has, as its organs, executive board members and auditors in addition to a general meeting of delegates and executive board members.
Section 3 Members and Constituent Members
(Members and constituent members)
Article 7 The Society shall have the following three types of members: regular members, honorary members, and supporting members, collectively referred to as "members," and designate regular members as constituent members as defined in Article 11, Paragraph 1, Item 5, and other provisions of the Act on General Incorporated Associations and General Incorporated Foundations (the "General Association and Foundation Act") (hereinafter, regular members shall be referred to as "constituent members").
(1) Regular members: Physicians, dentists, nurses, speech-language-hearing therapists, dental hygienists, physical therapists, occupational therapists, dieticians and persons other than these professions who agree with the objectives of the Society and who are accepted by the executive board members and thereafter approved by the chairperson in accordance with the following Article.
(2) Honorary members: Persons who have made a particularly meritorious contribution to the achievement of the objectives of the Society and who have been recommended by a resolution of the executive board members and a general meeting of delegates.
(3) Supporting members: Organizations or individuals who agree with the objectives of the Society and pay the prescribed membership fee to support the financial aspects of the Society, and who are accepted by the executive board members and thereafter approved by the chairperson in accordance with the following Article.
Article 8 Persons who wish to become constituent members or supporting members shall, as separately determined by the meeting of executive board members, submit the prescribed administration application form to the chairperson together with the membership fee for the relevant fiscal year, and obtain the approval of the chairperson.
2 Persons who are nominated as honorary members shall not be required to go through the admission procedure, and shall become members with the consent of the persons themselves.
(Membership fees)
Article 9 Constituent members and supporting members must pay the membership fee determined by a general meeting of delegates.
2 Honorary members shall not be required to pay membership fees.
3 Any membership fee already paid shall not be refunded for any reason whatsoever. 4 The membership fee set forth in the preceding paragraph shall be the expenses as provided for in Article 27 of the General Association and Foundation Act.
Article 10 Members may resign from the Society at any time by submitting a notice of resignation. However, members must give the Society at least one month's prior notice of resignation. If there is an unavoidable reason, members may withdraw membership at any time.
(Loss of membership)
Article 11 In addition to the preceding Article, members shall be disqualified from membership for any of the following reasons:
(1) Consent of all constituent members.
(2) When the member, if a natural person, in question deceases; or, if a corporate body, is dissolved.
(3) When a member falls behind with the membership fee for more than two years and does not respond to demands for payment.
(4) When the commencement of guardianship or conservatorship has been adjudicated.
(5) When a member has been declared a missing person.
(6) When a member loses or is deemed to have lost the status of membership in the Society.
(7) When a member is expelled.
Article 12 In the event that a member falls under any of the following items, the chairperson may expel such member by a majority votes of all constituent members and not less than two-thirds of the voting rights of all constituent members.
(1) When the member violates the Articles of Incorporation or the regulations of the Society.
(2) When the member defames the reputation of the Society or conducts an act contrary to the objectives of the Society.
(3) When there are other legitimate reasons for expulsion.
2 In the case of expulsion of members pursuant to the preceding paragraph, the Society shall give notice to that effect at least seven days prior to the date of the general meeting of delegates at which the resolution for expulsion of the member is to be adopted, and shall give the member an opportunity to explain herself/himself at said meeting.
(Rights and obligations upon loss of membership)
Article 13 When members lose their qualification pursuant to the provisions of Articles 10 and 11, they shall lose their rights and be discharged from their obligations to the Society. However, unfulfilled obligations that have already arisen may not be discharged.
Section 4 General meeting of delegates
Article 14 The general meeting of delegates shall consist of the constituent members specified in Article 7.
Article 15 The general meeting of delegates shall adopt resolutions on the following matters:
(1) Expulsion of members.
(2) Appointment or dismissal of executive board members and auditors.
(3) The amount of expenses to be paid to executive board members and auditors.
(4) Approval of the balance sheet and profit and loss statement (statement of changes in net assets).
(5) Amendments to the Articles of Incorporation.
(6) Dissolution and disposition of residual assets.
(7) Other matters provided for by laws and regulations or the Articles of Incorporation to be resolved at a general meeting of delegates.
(Holding meetings)
Article 16 The general meetings of constituent members of the Society shall be an annual general meeting of delegates and an extraordinary general meeting of delegates.
2 The annual general meeting of delegates shall be held within two months from the day following the end of each fiscal year.
3 An extraordinary general meeting of delegates shall be held in the following cases:
(1) When a resolution to hold the meeting is adopted at a meeting of executive board members.
(2) When constituent members who hold one-fifth or more of the voting rights of the constituent members request the convocation of the meeting in writing, stating the subject of the meeting and the reasons for the convocation.
Article 17 Unless otherwise provided for in laws and regulations, a general meeting of delegates shall be convened by the chairperson in accordance with a resolution of the executive board members.
2 If a request is made pursuant to the provision of Paragraph 3, Item 2, of the preceding Article, the chairperson shall issue a notice of convocation of an extraordinary general meeting of delegates that specifies a date of the meeting within six weeks from the date of the request.
3 When convening a general meeting of delegates, the chairperson shall give notice in writing stating the date, time, place and subject of the meeting at least one week prior to the date of the meeting. However, if constituent members who do not attend the general meeting of delegates are entitled to exercise their voting rights in writing, the Society shall issue a notice at least two weeks prior to the date of the meeting.
Article 18 The chairperson shall serve as a chairperson of the general meeting of delegates. However, in the absence or disability of the chairperson, the deputy chair shall take the place of the chairperson.
(Voting rights)
Article 19 Each constituent member shall have one voting right at the general meeting of delegates.
Article 20 Resolutions of the general meeting of delegates shall be adopted, provided that a majority of the total number of constituent members holding the voting rights are present, with a majority of the voting rights of the constituent members present at the meeting.
2 Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the following resolutions shall be adopted by a majority of not less than half of the total number of constituent members and not less than two-thirds of the total number of voting rights of all constituent members.
(1) Expulsion of constituent members.
(2) Dismissal of auditors.
(3) Amendments to the Articles of Incorporation.
(4) Dissolution.
(5) Other matters specified by laws and regulations.
3 With respect to an agenda for the appointment of executive board members or auditors, a resolution shall be adopted for each candidate in accordance with Paragraph 1. In the event that the total number of candidates for executive board members or auditors exceeds the quorum set forth in Article 24, the candidates who receive a majority of votes shall be appointed in the order of the number of votes received until the quorum is reached.
(Omission of resolutions at general meeting of delegates)
Article 21 In the event that an executive board member or a constituent member proposes an agenda that is the subject of a general meeting of delegates and that all of the constituent members express their consent to such agenda in writing or by electromagnetic record, a resolution of the general meeting of delegates to approve such agenda shall be deemed to have been adopted.
2 In the event that an executive board member notifies all of the constituent members of the agenda to be reported to a general meeting of delegates and that all of the constituent members express their consent in writing or by electromagnetic record that such agenda is not required to be reported to a general meeting of delegates, such agenda shall be deemed to have been reported to a general meeting of delegates.
(Exercising voting rights by proxy)
Article 22 Constituent members may exercise their voting rights by proxy by submitting to the chairperson a power of attorney or other document certifying the authority of representation. In this case, for the purpose of application of Article 20, the constituent member shall be deemed to have attended the meeting.
(Minutes of the general meeting of delegates)
Article 23 With respect to the proceedings of the general meeting of delegates, minutes of the meeting shall be prepared, containing the matters prescribed by laws and regulations, signed or affixed name and seal by the director who prepares the minutes, and kept at the principal office of the Society for 10 years.
Section 5 Executive board members, Auditors and Representative Director
Article 24 The Society shall have the following officers:
(1) Not less than 13 and not more than 25 executive board members
(2) Not less than one and not more than two auditors
2 The Society shall have one chairperson, and one or more but not more than three deputy chairs.
3 The chairperson shall be the representative director under the General Association and Foundation Act.
4 The deputy chair shall be an executive director under the General Association and Foundation Act.
(Qualifications of executive board members)
Article 25 The executive board members of the Society shall be appointed from among the constituent members of the Society.
(Method of appointing officers)
Article 26 The appointment of executive board members and auditors of the Society shall be made by a majority of the voting rights of the constituent members present at the general meeting of delegates at which constituent members holding a majority of the voting rights of all constituent members are present.
2 The chairperson and the deputy chair shall be appointed from among the executive board members by a resolution of the executive board members.
(Duty and authority of executive board members)
Article 27 The executive board members shall constitute the executive board members and execute their duties in accordance with the laws and regulations and the Articles of Incorporation.
2 The chairperson shall represent the Society and execute the operations of the Society.
3 In the absence or disability of the chairperson, a new chairperson shall be appointed at an extraordinary or regular meeting of the executive board members as soon as possible.
4 The deputy chair shall share and execute the operations of the Society as separately determined by the executive board members.
5 In the absence or disability of the deputy chair, a new deputy chair shall be appointed at an extraordinary or regular meeting of the executive board members as promptly as possible.
(Duty and authority of auditors)
Article 28 The auditors shall audit the execution of the duties of the executive board members and prepare an audit report as prescribed by laws and regulations.
2 The auditors may, at any time, request the executive board members and employees to report on the business and investigate the status of the operations and assets of the Society.
3 In the event that any injustice is discovered with regard to the status of assets or the execution of operations, auditors shall report it to the executive board members.
4 When it is necessary to make the report of the preceding paragraph, auditors may convene a meeting of executive board members.
(Term of office of officers)
Article 29 The term of office of executive board members shall expire at the conclusion of the annual general meeting of delegates relating to the last fiscal year that ends within two years of their appointment.
2 The term of office of the auditors shall expire at the conclusion of the annual general meeting of delegates relating to the last fiscal year that ends within four years of their appointment.
3 The term of office of persons appointed as substitutes for executive board members or auditors who were terminated before the expiration of their term of office shall expire at the end of the term of office of the predecessor.
4 The term of office of executive board members who are appointed due to an increase in the number of executive board members shall expire at the time when the term of office of other incumbent executive board members expires.
5 In the event that the number of executive board members or auditors is insufficient to reach the quorum provided for in Article 24, Paragraph 1, the retired executive board members or auditors shall maintain their rights and obligations as executive board members or auditors even after their resignation or expiration of their term of office until newly appointed executive board members or auditors assume office.
6 Executive board members and auditors may be reappointed.
(Dismissal of officers)
Article 30 If any of the executive board members or auditors fall under any of the following items, they may be dismissed by a resolution of a general meeting of delegates.
(1) They are deemed to be unable to perform their duties due to a physical or mental disorder.
(2) They are deemed to have violated their obligations during the course of their duties or otherwise committed conduct unbecoming an officer.
2 In the case of dismissal pursuant to the provision of the preceding paragraph, the officers concerned shall be notified in advance and given an opportunity to explain themselves before the resolution for dismissal is adopted.
Article 31 No compensation shall be paid to the executive board members and auditors.
2 Officers shall be paid the expenses required to perform their duties.
3 Matters necessary for the preceding paragraph shall be determined separately by a resolution of a general meeting of delegates.
Section 6 Meeting of executive board members
Article 32 The meeting of executive board members shall consist of all executive board members.
Article 33 The meeting of executive board members shall perform the following duties in addition to those provided for in laws and regulations or the Articles of Incorporation.
(1) Decisions on the execution of the operations of the Society.
(2) Supervision of the execution of duties by executive board members.
(3) Appointment and dismissal of the chairperson and deputy chair.
(4) Other matters deemed necessary by the chairperson.
(Holding meetings)
Article 34 An ordinary meeting of the executive board members shall be held twice a year: within two months of the day following the end of the fiscal year; and at the time of the annual academic meeting. 2 An extraordinary meeting of the executive board members shall be held in any of the following cases.
(1) When the chairperson deems it necessary.
(2) When an executive board member other than the chairperson requests the convocation of a meeting in writing, stating the subject of the meeting.
(3) When an auditor requests the convocation of the meeting pursuant to the provisions of Article 28, Paragraph 4.
Article 35 The chairperson shall convene a meeting of executive board members.
2 In order to convene a meeting of executive board members, a notice of convocation shall be sent to each director and auditor at least one week prior to the date of the meeting in writing stating the date, the time, the place of the meeting, and the subject of the meeting; provided, however, that the convocation period may be shortened in the case of an emergency.
3 When the chairperson receives a request pursuant to Item 2 or 3, Paragraph 2, of the preceding Article, the chairperson shall convene a meeting of executive board members within five days of the date of the request, specifying the date of the meeting within two weeks of the date of the request. If a meeting of executive board members is not convened after this period elapses, any director or auditor may convene a meeting of executive board members.
4 In the absence or disability of the chairperson, the deputy chair shall convene the meeting.
Article 36 The chairperson shall serve as the chairperson of the executive board members.
2 In the absence or disability of the chairperson, the deputy chair shall take the place of the chairperson.
Article 37 A resolution of the executive board members shall be adopted by a majority of the votes of the executive board members present at a meeting at which two-thirds or more of the total number of executive board members, excluding executive board members who have special interests in the resolution, are present.
(Omission of resolution)
Article 38 In the event that an executive board member proposes an agenda to be resolved at a meeting of executive board members and that all of the executive board members who are entitled to participate in the voting on such agenda express their consent in writing (except in the case where the auditors have expressed their objection to such agenda), a resolution to approve such agenda shall be deemed to have been adopted.
2 When an executive board member or auditor has notified all of the executive board members and auditors of matters to be reported to the executive board members, it is not required to report such matters to the executive board members.
(Minutes of a meeting of executive board members)
Article 39 With respect to the proceedings of a meeting of executive board members, minutes of the meeting shall be prepared, containing the matters prescribed by laws and regulations, signed or affixed names and seals by the chairperson (or the attending executive board members in the case of absence or disability of the chairperson) and the auditors, and kept at the office for 10 years.
Section 7 General Meeting of Members
(General meeting of members)
Article 40 A general meeting of members shall be held in accordance with the following paragraphs.
2 The general meeting of members shall consist of the members.
3 An annual general meeting of members shall be convened by the chairperson within two months from the day following the end of each fiscal year, and an extraordinary general meeting of members shall be held as necessary.
4 The general meeting of members shall be chaired by one of the deputy chairs.
5 The following matters shall be reported to the annual general meeting.
(1) Business reports and settlement of accounts.
(2) Business plan and income and expenditure budget.
(3) Other matters deemed necessary by the executive board members.
Section 8 Annual academic meeting
(Annual academic meeting)
Article 41 The Society shall hold an annual academic meeting annually, hosted by the conference chair.
(Appointment of conference chair)
Article 42 The conference chairperson shall be appointed from among members at a general meeting of delegates.
(Duty of the conference chair)
Article 43 The conference chair shall host the annual academic meeting, attend the meeting of executive board memberss, and report on the operational affairs of the conference.
(Term of office of conference chair)
Article 44 The term of office of the conference chairperson shall be one year.
Section 9 Committees
Article 45 The Society may establish various committees by resolution of the executive board members for the purpose of the smooth execution of its activities.
2 The chairperson and members of the committee shall be appointed by the chairperson by the resolution of the executive board members.
Section 10 Funds
(Solicitation of subscribers to the funds)
Article 46 The Society may solicit persons to subscribe to the funds.
(Provisions concerning the rights of contributors to the funds)
Article 47 The funds of the Society shall not be returned until the Society is dissolved.
2 Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the Society may return the funds to its contributors in accordance with the procedures for the return of the funds set forth in the following Article.
(Procedures for returning funds)
Article 48 With respect to the return of funds, the executive board members shall decide upon specific matters concerning the return of the funds after the resolution on the total amount of the funds to be returned is adopted at the annual general meeting of delegates.
Section 11 Assets and Accounting
(Composition of assets)
Article 49 The assets of the Society shall consist of the following:
(1) Funds
(2) Membership fees
(3) Income from activities
(4) Income from assets
(5) Donated funds and goods
(6) Other income
(Management of assets)
Article 50 The assets of the Society shall be managed by the chairperson in a manner approved by a resolution of the executive board members.
(Reimbursement of expenses)
Article 51 The expenses required for the execution of the business of the Society shall be paid out of the assets.
(Business plan and income and expenditure budget)
Article 52 With regard to the business plan and the income and expenditure budget, the chairperson shall prepare the following documents by the day before the commencement of each fiscal year and have them approved by the executive board members. In the case of making changes to the business plan and the income and expenditure budget, the same procedure shall be applicable.
(1) Business plan
(2) Income and expenditure budget
(3) Documents describing the prospects for financing and capital investment
2 The documents set forth in the preceding paragraph shall be kept at the principal office until the end of the relevant fiscal year and made available for public inspection.
(Provisional budget)
Article 53 Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding Article, in the event that the budget cannot be approved due to unavoidable reasons, the chairperson may, by resolution of the executive board members, gain income and disburse expenses according to the budget of the previous year until the budget is approved.
2 The income and expenditures set forth in the preceding paragraph shall be deemed to be a part of the newly approved budget.
(Business report and statement of accounts)
Article 54 With regard to the business report and the statement of accounts, the chairperson shall prepare the following documents after the end of each fiscal year, have them audited by the auditors, and have them approved by the executive board members.
(1) Business report
(2) Annexed detailed statements of the business report
(3) Balance sheet
(4) Profit and loss statement (statement of changes in net assets)
(5) Annexed detailed statements to the balance sheet and the profit and loss statement (statement of changes in net assets)
(6) Inventory of assets
2 Among the documents approved in the preceding paragraph, the documents set forth in Items 1, 3 and 4 shall be submitted to the annual general meeting of delegates, and the contents shall be reported with respect to the documents set forth in Item 1, and the contents shall be approved with respect to the other documents.
3 In addition to the documents set forth in Paragraph 1, the following documents shall be kept at the principal office for five years and made available for public inspection, and the Articles of Incorporation and the list of constituent members shall be kept at the principal office and made available for public inspection.
(1) Audit report.
(2) List of executive board members and auditors.
(3) Documents describing the standards for the payment of compensation for executive board members and auditors.
(4) Documents describing the summary of the administrative organization and the status of business activities, as well as important figures related thereto.
Article 55 The Society shall not be entitled to make distribution of any surplus.
(Long-term borrowings)
Article 56 When the Society intends to borrow funds, it shall obtain the approval of a general meeting of delegates after adopting a resolution of the executive board members, except for short-term borrowings to be redeemed with the income of the current fiscal year.
2 When the Society intends to dispose of or assign its important assets, the same resolution as defined in the preceding paragraph must be adopted.
(Fiscal year)
Article 57 The fiscal year of the Society shall be one term from August 1 of each year to July 31 of the following year.
Section 12 Secretariat
Article 58 The Society may establish the Secretariat and allocate staff therein to do the clerical work of the Society.
2 Matters necessary for the organization and operation of the Secretariat shall be determined separately by resolution of the executive board members.
(Retainment of documents and books)
Article 59 The following documents shall be maintained at the office of the Society. However, this shall not be applicable when suitable alternative documents and books to these documents are kept in place in accordance with laws and regulations.
(1) Articles of Incorporation
(2) Membership list
(3) List of constituent members
(4) List of officers and other staff and their resumes
(5) Inventory of assets
(6) Asset ledger and liability ledger
(7) Books and supporting documents concerning income and expenditure
(8) Documents related to the proceedings of the executive board members and general meetings of delegates
(9) Income and expenditure budget and business plan
(10) Business report
(11) Balance sheet
(12) Profit and loss statement (statement of changes in net assets)
(13) Audit report
(14) Other documents and books specified by laws and regulations
Section 13 Amendment to the Articles of Incorporation and Dissolution
(Amendment to the Articles of Incorporation)
Article 60 The Society may amend the Articles of Incorporation by resolution of a general meeting of delegates.
2 In order to amend the Articles of Incorporation, the provisions of Article 20, Paragraph 2, must be complied with.
Article 61 The Society shall be dissolved for any of the following reasons:
(1) Resolution of the general meeting of delegates.
(2) Mergers (limited to cases in which the Society disappears as a result of a merger).
(3) Lack of the required number of constituent members.
(4) Decision to commence bankruptcy proceedings.
(5) Court ruling that orders dissolution.
2 The resolution set forth in Item 1 of the preceding paragraph shall be adopted in accordance with the provisions of Article 20, Paragraph 2.
(Ownership of residual assets)
Article 62 In the event of liquidation of the Society, the residual assets shall be donated to a juridical person listed in Item 17 of Article 5 of the Act on Authorization of Public Interest Incorporated Associations and Public Interest Incorporated Foundations, or to the national government or a local government by a resolution of a general meeting of delegates.
Section 14 Miscellaneous Provisions
Article 63 In addition to the matters provided for in the Articles of Incorporation, matters necessary for the operation of the Society shall be determined separately by the chairperson by a resolution of the executive board members.
Supplementary provisions
(Names and addresses of constituent members at the time of incorporation)
Article 64 The names and addresses of the constituent members of the Society at the time of its incorporation are as follows:
(1) Address
Name Eiichi Saitoh
(2) Address
Name Koichiro Ueda
(3) Address
Name Hiroshi Uematsu
(4) Address
Name Hiro Ogoshi
(5) Address
Name Sumiko Okada
(6) Address
Name Yayoi Kamakura
(7) Address
Name Takeshi Kikutani
(8) Address
Name Eiji Kitazumi
(9) Address
Name Toshio Kinjo
(10) Address
Name Isami Kumakura
(11) Address
Name Masaru Tatsuno
(12) Address
Name Akio Tsubahara
(13) Address
Name Mikoto Baba
(14) Address
Name Ichiro Fujishima
(15) Address
Name Yoshiharu Mukai
(16) Address
Name Keiko Onogi
(Officers at the time of incorporation)
Article 65 The executive board members, auditors and the representative director at the time of incorporation of the Society are as follows:
Executive board members at the time of incorporation:
Eiichi Saitoh,
Koichiro Ueda
Hiroshi Uematsu
Hiro Ogoshi
Sumiko Okada
Yayoi Kamakura
Takeshi Kikutani
Eiji Kitazumi
Toshio Kinjo
Isami Kumakura
Masaru Tatsuno
Akio Tsubahara
Mikoto Baba
Ichiro Fujishima
Yoshiharu Mukai
Keiko Onogi
Auditors at the time of incorporation: Tomohisa Kato
Junko Fujitani
Representative director at the time of incorporation (Chairperson): Eiichi Saitoh
(First fiscal year)
Article 66 The first fiscal year of the Society shall be from the date of its incorporation to July 31, 2009.
(Matters not provided for in the Articles of Incorporation)
Article 67 All matters not provided for in the Articles of Incorporation shall be governed by the provisions of the General Association and Foundation Act and other laws and regulations.
Prepared on June 17, 2009
Amended on September 2, 2011
Amended on September 21, 2013
Amended on September 5, 2019